Hi, My name isDeema Saleem

Fresh Front-End Developer

About Me

Hi, I'm Deema, My interests are in FrontEnd, and I love to create beautiful and performant products with delightful user experiences.For now, I'm interested in learning React. Here some technologies i worked with:

Deema Saleem Picture

Featured Works

heart attack prediction is my graduation project which service patients and doctors

Heart Attack Prediction Using ML

My graduation project is an interactive web application, that services doctor and patient by monitoring patient's vital signs and making emergency communication if there is a need.

E-commerce matter template that contain different categories of women's clothes

E-commerce matter template using React

E-commerce matter of women's clothes. This my first project by using react. I learned how to think in react and how to make the website dynamic!

Landing book template

Bookmark manager

Bookmark manager built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript

heart attack prediction is my graduation project which service patients and doctors


Pig is a simple dice game. Players take turns to roll a single die as many times as they wish, adding all roll results to a running total, but losing their gained score for the turn if they roll a 1.



Qalqilya, Azzon

Feel free to connect with me!